Lets start with your Mindset

Then grow your skills and business!

Art Lessons & Coaching Services

One on One Art Lessons

  • One Hour Art Lesson

  • Facetime, Instagram, Facebook Messenger, Zoom or if local in person.

  • Want or need to learn the fundamentals of art? Want to learn how to draw, paint or wood burn? Do you learn better with one on one interaction?

  • These lessons can be make and takes or progression projects depending on age and goals. I will plan the lesson a head of time, so you know what materials you need to buy.

  • Price reduces to $50 if you plan and set up 3 lessons a month.

  • Contact me at austinfabinskiart@gmail.com for more information or set up a lesson.

    Learn the fundamentals! Develop your skills and style! Then create everyday.

Coaching Consultation

  • One Hour Q&A Session

  • Ideal for questions regarding your goals and how you want to approach them. Side hustle or part time -full time artist? Art process, style, mindset, practice, social media and what to do with all that are common things covered, but sometimes, clients just use the hour to ask as many questions as possible to get a good start on their journey. So they are prepared with a notepad and lots of questions they want to ask.

  • Consultation will be credited toward monthly coaching fee should you choose to proceed.

  • Contact me at austinfabinskiart@gmail.com for more information or set up a meeting.

To make a change, the first step is to start!

Artist Coaching

  • Full access coaching

  • Set up weekly goals, for art process and social media.

  • Weekly check ins,—-Facetime, Instagram, Facebook Messenger, or Zoom.

  • Unlimited text/email/Dm’s

  • Learn all the things that go into making art into a business. To print making, selling, social media, website design and more.

  • Change your mindset to a positive growth business mindset.

  • Contact me at austinfabinskiart@gmail.com for more information or start your journey today.

    Having a guide, can make the journey go a bit faster.